Getting a Domain Name

There are a few steps required to complete this process.

  1. Selecting a Domain name.
  2. Picking a company to Register it with.
  3. Registering the Domain Name and Setting your DNS (domain name server) settings.

Here is where I need to tell you a bit about the money side of this process.  This is not free, but fortunately over the last few years it has become quite inexpensive to do.  There are two sides to the money you will spend on having a domain name.  

First is the Registration of the name.  There are now many companies that offer this service which has caused the price to drop.  At the high end, $35 USD per year and you pay for the first two years up front so a cost of $70.00 US.  At the low end, $16 per year and you pay for the first two years up front so a cost of $32.00 US.  There are many variations on the services offered from the various companies.  To see my top picks Click Here for a description of services offered.

The second side of the Money equation when it comes to Domain Names, is Domain hosting.  This is the cost that an ISP will charge you for Hosting your domain.  This means allowing your domain to be attached to your website.  In the past the cost on this also varied wildly on the Internet.  Often a setup fee of $25 to as much as $150 is required, then a monthly fee from $0.00 to $50 a month was charged for this privilege.  Today it is typically free and included in a Hosting Package.

You may want to take a quick look at the DNS page at this point so when you register a domain, you will know what information you will need handy.  Do this by clicking Here.


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