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MLM Training Newsletter

January 2000


Upline Times

  1. Cheer Up
  2. Clutter-Be-Gone
  3. Lower-Risk Traveling
  4. Can You Come Out and Play?
  5. Belated Congratulations

Cheer Up

Most Network Marketing leaders will tell you that attitude is key to success in our industry. What if you haven't had the successful week (day, month) you expected? Here are a few quick ways to put yourself in a positive frame of mind:

  1. Don't let toxic thoughts roll through your mind unopposed. Replace thoughts of impossibility and failure with visions of possibility and success. Focus on what you've accomplished toward your goals and expectations, not on what fell short.
  2. Avoid negative self-talk and global thinking. If you catch yourself thinking, "I never (global and negative) do well with prospecting," stop that thought in its tracks. Focus on ways to make your prospecting more successful.
  3. Teach yourself you're a winner by giving yourself wins. Every week, schedule things that are fun and/or that you do well. Remember to do the same with your personal life as well as your business.
  4. Celebrate everyday triumphs. Remember to pat yourself on the back for fitting in your workout, making the meeting on time, and doing your prospecting follow-up.
  5. Seek out optimistic friends. Make your attitude a team sport where everyone wins.
  6. Don't accept dead ends. Think creatively to find your way around and through challenges that threaten to make you quit. You know that your business is on the road to success, so don't accept any roadblocks.
(Source: Fitness)


Prospecting contacts organized for follow-up -- check. Schedule noted in a day planner -- check. Computer files categorized into folders -- check. Your home office is perfectly organized, right? No?

Organization specialist Julie Morgenstern has a few tips for bringing order and calm to the chaos and stress of daily life and work.

1. Analyze

What works for you? Have sticky notes taken over your phone and computer screen? Do you really want to get organized? Why? What do you reach for when you have a prospect on the phone? Develop an accurate picture of what you want and how you work.
2. Create Zones
With your analysis in hand, collect the tools you need for each task. Develop your work area into zones (prospecting, leadership training, administrative, etc.) and make sure each task is next to the tools you need for it. Just because there's a perfectly sized niche for your rolodex on the shelf farthest from the phone doesn't mean that's the place to keep it!
3. Attack!
Morgenstern uses the SPACE rule: sort, purge, assign, containerize, equalize. Using the sticky note avalanche as an example, go through and see which notes fall into categories like prospect, product info, trash, etc. Toss the trash and move the others to their appropriate zones. "Containerize" by getting files in cabinets, addresses on address cards, paper clips in a holder, and pencils in your pencil drawer. If you don't have the right container, go get it! The floor is not a good substitute.

Equalize is just a fancy term for maintaining your system. Your zones should make it much easier, but you will still need to keep on track with the system -- rather like a Single Daily Action or your Networking duplication system... .

(Source: Mirabella)

Lower-Risk Traveling

January and February are prime months for corporate conventions, where Network Marketers get to have fun, hang out with friends from around the country, and enjoy motivational speeches and awards. As you and a few thousand of your colleagues pack the hotels and convention centers, keep in mind the following tips and tip-offs:

Simple Steps to Safety

  • If your hotel is in a rough area (many convention centers and their hotels are part of city redevelopment efforts) carry enough cash so you'll have something to give a mugger. Thieves may become violent if their attack yields only credit cards and pennies, and your life is more precious than mere money. If you're going to walk along inner-city streets from your hotel to a restaurant, leave cameras, jewelry, and the bulk of your cash and credit cards in the hotel safe.

  • If you want to sample the convention city's nightlife, ask someone from your company's local contingent to be your guide. No point getting yourself lost in the seedy portions of a strange city, and you'll have the added benefit of insider knowledge.

  • Don't put on too much of the Ritz. Thieves watch for incoming targets who look wealthy enough to be worth an attack. Save your National #1 Superstar jewelry for convention events after you've checked in -- don't drift through the airport and hotel lobby ablaze with gems.

Scam Alert

The Mustard: A thief squirts mustard or ketchup on his victim. While "helping" the victim clean up the resulting mess, the thief helps himself to cash, jewelry, or cameras.

The Coin Drop: While standing in crowded travel areas (think people with luggage), a thief fumbles with her purse and spills coins on the floor. Well-intentioned fellow travelers stoop to help the thief retrieve her scattered coins while her accomplice picks their pockets or sidles off with their unguarded luggage.

(Source: USA Today)

Can You Come Out and Play?

Your growing organization shows us all that you know how to work, but do you remember how to play? You knew it cold when you were a child -- it was whatever activity you found more important than eating! Experts are learning that play is necessary to adults in the same ways it is to children. "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." It's true!

Play is different from the action of not working. When you throw yourself whole-heartedly into something fun, you are playing. Fun is the point. Play doesn't have a hidden agenda of productivity, so it offers a break from the adult world of responsibilities and reasons. Doctors who have studied the effects of play have found that the mini-vacation of fun makes people more flexible and acute mentally. When we leave our personal playground -- which varies from person to person -- we have a greater ability to concentrate on non-play activities. Next time you're feeling a touch of burnout from phone calls and meetings, try giving yourself a recess. Come on out and play!

(Source: Weight Watchers)

Belated Congratulations

Back in July, FlashNet Marketing's training video won the 1999 Bronze Telly Award in the Corporate Training category. Competition for Telly Awards includes such companies as AT&T, Coca-Cola, an ESPN. FlashNet was a first-time entrant in a field of over 11,000 companies. Congratulations!

Reprinted with permission from Upline, Upline Times - January 2000, 888-UPLINE-1,
